YPFB invests USD 78.3 MM in the drilling of the Iñau-X3D well and estimates 1.05 TCF of gas

The following is a machine translation of a YPFB release
Santa Cruz, Dec 4, 2024 (AN-YPFB).- Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) is investing approximately USD 78.3 million in the drilling of the Iñau-X3D (IÑA-X3D) well, a project that estimates a potential resource of 1.05 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of natural gas.
The total investment amount is associated with the construction of the road, the slab and the drilling of the exploratory well. The estimated time of the drilling operations is 330 days.
“The well drilling operations began on Tuesday, a situation that will allow us to explore the hydrocarbon potential existing in the reservoirs of the Huamampampa, Icla and Santa Rosa formations. This project is located in the Southern Sub-Andean Basin and has great gas potential,” said Fernando Arteaga Pinto, National Manager of Exploration and Exploitation at YPFB.
The well is drilled to a depth of 5,750 metres and is intended to investigate the hydrocarbon potential of the Devonian sandstones in the aforementioned formations.
The Iñau-X3D well is located in the Luis Calvo province in the Iñau area, located in the country's traditional oil zone. The exploration prospect is located in the department of Chuquisaca and is part of the Upstream Reactivation Plan (PRU), a strategy of the state oil company that aims to replenish and increase hydrocarbon reserves in the medium and long term.
The exploration prospect is operated by YPFB's National Exploration and Exploitation Management, but YPFB Andina SA, a subsidiary of the state oil company, carries out the drilling through an integrated service.
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