Amancay Photovoltaic Solar Park
Electric Power project in Chile, currently in the stage of
Get all the information on the Amancay Photovoltaic Solar Park, a Electric Power project. Connect with the contracted companies and their key contacts, track the project stage and milestones, read related news and more. Some issues around this topic are: Photovoltaic. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.
Description: Amancay Photovoltaic Solar Park Power generating plants greater than 3 MW The Amancay Photovoltaic Solar Park corresponds to a new project, consisting of the construction and operation of a Photovoltaic Solar Plant, with a nominal power equal to 9 MW and a peak of 10.77 MWp . The solar park considers the installation of 28,350 solar panels, these are oriented with respect to the sun by means of a North-South horizontal axis solar tracker. Which are connected to 3 inverters of 3,060 nominal kW, through 3 transformers of 3,100 kVA. The energy generated will be injected into the National Electric System (SEN) through a connection point in the medium voltage line belonging to the Los Queñes feeder, owned by Cooperativa Eléctrica de Curicó. The Amancay Photovoltaic Solar Park project aims to meet the growing energy demand, using non-conventional renewable energies (NCRE), taking advantage of the solar potential of the Maule Region. The Project contemplates the construction, operation and closure of a Solar Photovoltaic Park, with a nominal power equal to 9 MW (and a peak of 10.77 MWp), in order to generate electricity. This power will be achieved through the installation of 28,350 photovoltaic modules.
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