Puerto Barrios expansion
Get all the information on the Puerto Barrios expansion, a Infrastructure project. Connect with the contracted companies and their key contacts, track the project stage and milestones, read related news and more. Some issues around this topic are: Container terminals, Multi-purpose ports, Public-private partnership (PPP) and Port authorities. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.Description: The project calls for the expansion and modernization of Port of Puerto Barrios, on the Atlantic coast in the Amatique Bay, Izabal department, Guatemala. In a first expansion phase, the Master Plan aim to increase the capacity of the port from 450.000 TEUs per year to 630.000 TEUs per year, while subsequent expansion phases would increase it to 1 million TEUs per year.
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Related companies
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- Role: Owner
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- Role: Concessionaire/Operator
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- Role: Constructor
Key contacts
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- Position: Business Development Manager
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- Position: Project Manager
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- Position: Head of Procurement
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- Position: HR Director
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- Position: HR Director
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- Position: Production manager
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- Position: Marketing manager
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The description included in this profile was taken directly from an official source and has not been modified or edited by the BNamericas’ researchers. However, it may have been...
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