Hydraulic Fracture and Pozo Loij 3 Flow Line Construction
Get all the information on the Hydraulic Fracture and Pozo Loij 3 Flow Line Construction, a Oil & Gas project. Connect with the contracted companies and their key contacts, track the project stage and milestones, read related news and more. Some issues around this topic are: Onshore. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.Description: Since 2006, GeoPark has been developing exploration and exploitation activities in the Fell Block, time that has allowed the company to drill different wells and project the drilling of new wells in the sector. It is worth mentioning that with the definition and design of the specific programs for each one of the wells, the exploitation activities begin. The foregoing allows data and relevant information to be obtained from the reservoir to be drilled, as well as its potential, in order to preliminarily estimate whether its development will be technically and economically viable. Subsequently, within the drilling stage, there are the completion activities, where the reservoir communicates with the surface, at which time GeoPark's technical professionals will be able to verify whether or not the hydrocarbon flow is as expected, all of which will condition the productivity of the wells in case of being low or very low. Sometimes, the drop in flows is related to the blockage of small conduits through which the hydrocarbon would travel from the reservoir to the well, when this situation occurs, the production of the well becomes technically and economically unfeasible. Therefore, the industry usually resorts to the use of methodologies, such as the stimulation of wells, which allow to increase the conductivity in the zone of interest through an increase in the permeability of the rock, improving the flow conditions of the fluids contained in reservoir rock into the well. This project will culminate the drilling activities of the Loij 3 well, which has not started drilling. However, if during the development of this, it is found that the hydrocarbon flow is not as expected and that the well has the necessary characteristics, stimulation will be carried out. The stimulation consists of 3 phases, the first corresponds to the design and assembly phase, in which the wells are defined and subsequently the necessary equipment is assembled in their locations, to move on to the second phase, which corresponds to the operation, where the wells are stimulated and finally, the third, which corresponds to dismantling. Subsequently, if the intervention is positive, the well will be produced, for which this project also considers the surface facilities necessary to achieve this end. Surface installations will vary, depending on the testing stage of the well, the temperature and pressure at which it flows, and the composition of the fluid itself. The equipment to be interconnected on the surface will always be restricted to the area of operation of the well, also called location, as well as the equipment necessary for hydraulic fracturing, if necessary. The laying of the pipeline and hydraulic stimulation will be carried out within a private property, where there are no legal guardianship roads. Through special operating contracts (CEOPs), GeoPark is exploiting the so-called Fell Block located in the commune of San Gregorio in the Region of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica. To this end, GeoPark is currently, on the one hand, analyzing the information from the existing wells in the Fell Block, to define where there is a reasonable expectation that there will be an increase in production if the connection to the reservoir is improved, and on the other hand, considering the possibility of stimulating the new wells to be drilled. In particular, there is an exploration prospect called Loij 3, for which one of the objectives of this project is to stimulate it (if necessary), and given that this well could be a producer, it is also contemplated to install the necessary surface equipment to transport its hydrocarbons, for which a 186.41 meter flow line will be built.
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