Hydraulic Fracturing Of 10 Wells In The Dorado-Riquelme Sub-Block
Mining & Metals project in Chile, currently in the stage of
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Description: This Project consists of carrying out the process of "hydraulic fracturing" to three (3) multi-wells (PAD) and one (1) single-well located in the Riquelme Golden Block, these are the following: · PAD Cahuil O, V, W (3 wells in series) · PAD Cahuil X, Y, U (3 wells in series) · PAD Cahuil C, R, N (3 wells in series) · Single well Cahuil 2 (Ex – D) The wells that will undergo this process have as production objective at Play Cahuil. This range is located in the lower section of the Grupo Bahía Inutil formation, and is recognized between 2,600 and 2,900 (mbnmm). This formation has shown through previous studies that there is a confined hydrocarbon reservoir, which could not be extracted due to the low permeability of the rock. In this context, the hydraulic fracturing process (FH) consists of a well stimulation technique, through the sustained injection of a fluid at a pressure such that it causes the rupture of the reservoir rock (increase of the contact area of the reservoir with the well), in order to create new channels or connect existing flow channels, increasing the flow rate of the well and thus its productivity. Rock permeability in conventional hydrocarbon reservoirs (such as the case of Springhill in Magallanes) is approximately 5 to 1,500 millidarcy, however, in unconventional reservoirs, rock permeability fluctuates between 0.001 to 0.04 millidarcy. Due to the low permeability, the fracturing operation is necessary, without which the extraction of the confined hydrocarbons would not be possible. It should be noted that the PADs to fracture Cahuil O, V, W (3 wells), Cahuil X, Y, U (3 wells) and Cahuil C, R, N (3 wells) have an Environmental Qualification Resolution (hereinafter RCA) favorable regarding drilling processes, specifically, RCA N ° 109/2017 "Generic Dorado Riquelme Sub-Blocks". On the other hand, the Cahuil 2 (Ex-D) Monopozo has the RCA Environmental Qualification Resolution No. 171/2010 “Continuation of drilling of Exploratory Wells for Project in Tertiary Block, Dorado-Puerto Sara and Manzano Blocks Continuation of Drilling of Exploratory Wells ”. Together, it is indicated that the Cahuil 2 (Ex-D) Single Well has the RCA favorable for the fracturing process, specifically, RCA N ° 081/2018 corresponding to the project "Hydraulic Fracturing in 4 Wells of the Riquelme Golden Block". Table 1-1 below presents the RCAs previously indicated corresponding to the drilling and fracturing processes, as appropriate, of the wells that make up this Project. Table 1-1 RCA for Drilling Wells to Fracture WELL PROCESS PROJECT NAME RCA PAD Cahuil O, V, W PAD Cahuil X, Y, U PAD Cahuil C, R, N Drilling “Continued Drilling of Exploratory Wells for Project in Tertiary Block; Blocks Dorado-Puerto Sara Riquelme and Manzano Continuation of Drilling of Exploratory Wells ”109/2017 Well Cahuil 2 (Ex D) Drilling Generic Sub-Block Dorado Riquelme 171/2010 Fracturing“ Hydraulic Fracturing in 4 Wells of the Golden Block Riquelme ”081/2018 Objective The objective of this Project is to increase the hydrocarbon productivity of 10 wells in the Riquelme Golden Sub-Block. This, through the process of hydraulic fracturing in Play Cahuil, a process that will increase the area of contact of the reservoir with the vicinity of the wells, thereby achieving the extraction of hydrocarbons contained in the reservoir at profitable flows.
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