Project Profile

Lagunas Nitrates Plant Expansion

Mining & Metals project in Chile, currently in the stage of Blurred

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Description: Lagunas Nitrates Plant Expansion Mining development projects over 5,000 tons/month The "Lagunas Nitrates Plant Expansion" Project submitted for evaluation mainly considers the modification of the original "Lagunas Nitrates Plant" Project, favorably rated by Exempt Resolution No. 17 /2004 of the Regional Commission for the Environment of the Tarapacá Region. Said Project sought to extract 400,000 tons of caliche per month to produce 1,450 tons of high-purity iodine per year, which produced more than 7,000,000 tons of residual salts in the heap leaching process. The Project that is presented for evaluation considers the extension of the useful life of the Nitrates Plant and seeks to increase the processing capacity to 250,000 tons/year of nitrates in the following alternatives: 250,000 tons/year of Sodium Nitrate, 250,000 tons/ year of Potassium Nitrate, 250,000 tons/year of Sodium Nitrate and Potassium Nitrate both in combination 50,000 tons/year of nitrate mixtures; The Project contemplates a useful life of 51.5 years (618 months) from the favorable approval of the RCA, contemplating a total of four (4) years (48 months) for the Construction Phase, 46 years of operation of the Project and 1.5 years (18 months) for the Closing Phase. All transportation of personnel, supplies, products and waste will be contracted. Therefore, transportation is not part of this DIA, however, its impacts derived from roads and emissions are analyzed. The objective of this Project is to extend the useful life of the Nitrates Plant and increase the processing capacity to 250,000 tons/year of nitrates in the following alternatives: 250,000 tons/year of Sodium Nitrate, 250,000 tons/year of Potassium Nitrate, 250,000 tons/year of Sodium Nitrate and Potassium Nitrate both in combination 50,000 tons/year of mixtures of nitrates; It should be noted that the production of different Nitrates will depend on market conditions. The raw material required in the process will be obtained through the purchase of a maximum of 500,000 tons/year of nitrate salts or harvests from other mining operations, to process them and produce sodium nitrate and/or potassium nitrate and nitrate mixtures. .

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  • Position: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
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  • Position: CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
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  • Corporate email: Blurred
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  • Position: Business Development Manager
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  • Position: Project Manager
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  • Position: Head of Procurement
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  • Position: HR Director
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  • Corporate email: Blurred
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  • Position: HR Director
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  • Position: Production manager
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  • Position: Marketing manager
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  • Position: COO (Chief Operating Officer)
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Project information

Full name
Lagunas Nitrates Plant Expansion
Project Status
Type of Ownership
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