Lot 7 Transmission lines (Minas Gerais)
Get all the information on the Lot 7 Transmission lines (Minas Gerais), a Electric Power project. Connect with the contracted companies and their key contacts, track the project stage and milestones, read related news and more. Some issues around this topic are: Transmission Lines. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.Description: The Lot 7 project includes the construction of simple circuit transmission lines that will connect the national electricity grid. The project is part of the transmission program of the National Electric Power Agency of Brazil. The lot includes the following components: LT 345 kV Nova Ponte - Araxá 3 C1, with 114 km; 345 kV Nova Ponte - Uberlândia 10 C1 LT, with 57 km; SE 500/345 kV Nova Ponte - novo pátio 345 kV and transformation 500/345 kV - (6 + 1Res) x 100 MVA; SE 345/138 kV Araxá 3 - (3 + 1Res) x 100 MVA; SE 345/138 kV Uberlândia 10 - (3 + 1Res) x 100 MVA; SE 345/138 kV Monte Alegre de Minas 2 - (6 + 1Res) x 66.67 MVA; 345 kV LT stretches between SE Monte Alegre de Minas 2 and LT Itumbiara - Porto Colômbia, with 2 x 1 km.
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Related companies
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- Role: Owner
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- Role: Concessionaire/Operator
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- Role: Constructor
Key contacts
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- Position: Business Development Manager
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- Position: Project Manager
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- Position: Head of Procurement
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- Position: HR Director
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- Position: HR Director
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- Position: Production manager
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- Position: COO (Chief Operating Officer)
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