Project Profile

Mining Prospecting Santa Teresa Project

Mining & Metals project in Chile, currently in the stage of Blurred

Get all the information on the Mining Prospecting Santa Teresa Project, a Mining & Metals project. Connect with the contracted companies and their key contacts, track the project stage and milestones, read related news and more. Some issues around this topic are: IodineUraniumSecurityDiamondSulphurBorateAlumina / AluminumCobaltVanadiumNickelTitaniumAntimonyPotashMinerals & MetalsPrecious stonesLimestoneLithium HydroxideIron oreOther base metalsMolybdenumOpen pit miningCopperMetallicSilverSteelLithiumOther Precious metalsMetals processing, smelting, refining and metal products ZincTungstenPlatinumBauxitePhosphateUnderground miningIllegal miningPalladiumLithium ElectrolyteRare earth elements (REE)Types of miningManganeseGraphiteNiobiumCoalTinLithium CarbonateLimeGoldNon metallic and Lead. Write to us at or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.

Description: MINING PROSPECTION SANTA TERESA PROJECT Prospecting and exploration The Project consists of executing 9,738 (ML) linear meters of diamond-type drilling, distributed in 97 mining drilling platforms, to be carried out in the mining district of Santa Teresa, located approximately 36 km from Villa Amengual and 150 km north of the city of Coyhaique in the Aysén Region. The 9,738 ML of mining drilling will be carried out, mainly, by means of the diamond-type drilling method in a depth range between 11.35 m and a maximum depth of 290 m. The average depth is 100 m. The drilling program will be carried out with two (2) drilling rigs, executing wells 2 by 2. Complementing the execution of the 97 drilling wells, it is contemplated to enable and/or build footprints or access roads to the drilling platforms and the installation of a camp for 20 people. All the legal provisions and regulations contained in this DIA shall be understood as applicable to the project, without prejudice to those that refer to the special laws related to occupational hygiene and health, safety and those of the Sanitary Code, as well as those of the competent bodies. The antecedents for the corresponding Sectoral Environmental Permits are included in this DIA. Notwithstanding the foregoing, once the favorable Environmental Qualification Resolution, RCA, has been obtained, the Sectoral Permits, corresponding to the nature of the project, will be processed before the State Administration Services that are competent with respect to them. . The owner of the Project "Santa Teresa Mining Project" expressly states that the transport service for raw materials, supplies, personnel, equipment and/or structures, fuel, hazardous substances, solid waste and/or cargo in general will be contracted to third parties. and, therefore, such activities are not part of the project. The respective contracts for these support services and logistics support will be required from the providers, who must have the current authorizations from the competent bodies in each case. This Environmental Impact Statement (DIA) of the “Santa Teresa Project Mining Prospection” Project (hereinafter the Project) of Sociedad Contractual Minera El Toqui (hereinafter the owner), which is submitted to the Environmental Impact Assessment System, SEIA, Its purpose is to evaluate compliance with the applicable environmental legislation and the territorial compatibility of the projected mining prospecting activities. In the main, the Project considers: · Carrying out 9,738 ML[1] of diamond-type mining prospecting drilling. · Build or Enable 97 drilling platforms, equivalent to 1.45 Ha. · Build or enable 16.7 km of roads or access tracks to platforms · Enable a provisional Camp for 20 people in an area of 0.15 Ha app. [1] ML; linear meters The “Santa Teresa Mining Prospecting” Project, hereinafter the Project, is a mining prospecting Project, which is conceived within the mining prospecting program, which Sociedad Contractual Minera El Toqui has defined for the years 2018-2021. Sociedad Contractual Minera El Toqui is the owner of the mining properties that cover the Santa Teresa mining district. "Santa Teresa Project Mining Prospecting" aims to minimize the geological uncertainties associated with the concentrations of mineral substances of economic interest, present in the area.

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  • Position: Business Development Manager
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  • Position: Project Manager
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  • Position: Head of Procurement
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  • Position: HR Director
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  • Position: Production manager
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  • Position: Marketing manager
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  • Position: COO (Chief Operating Officer)
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Project information

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Mining Prospecting Santa Teresa Project
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