Operational Continuity Copper Mantos Mine
Mining & Metals project in Chile, currently in the stage of
Get all the information on the Operational Continuity Copper Mantos Mine, a Mining & Metals project. Connect with the contracted companies and their key contacts, track the project stage and milestones, read related news and more. Some issues around this topic are: Underground mining, Waste, Copper, Metals processing, smelting, refining and metal products , Minerals & Metals, Non metallic, Types of mining and Alumina / Aluminum. Write to us at info@bnamericas.com or call us at +56 (2) 29410300 to schedule a demonstration of our platform.
Description: Sociedad Punta del Cobre SA, hereinafter Pucobre, operates the Mantos de Cobre Mine (MMC) since 2008, but has been operated since the 90's by other owners. In fact, in the period between 1990 and 1999 it was done by the Contractual Mining Company Copiapó (SCMC), subsequently, by hand (pirquén), the company FADEX until the year 2000, and finally these mining belongings were exploited by the Compañía Minera San Esteban Primera SA through the “Doña Agi” project that was evaluated and environmentally qualified by the COREMA Region of Atacama in its session of May 18, 2004, by Exempt Resolution No. 027/2004 (hereinafter RCA No. 27/2004). In November 2008, the COREMA of the Atacama Region rated the “Doña Agi Underground Mine Expansion” project environmentally favorable by means of Exempt Resolution No. 345/2008 (hereinafter RCA No. 345/2008), which allowed the incorporation of new mining resources and the increase in the rate of mineral extraction to 150 thousand tons per month (150 ktpm), in order to feed the San José Plant, owned by Pucobre. In recent years, Pucobre has developed comprehensive geological exploration plans in order to increase the mining resources of MMC, which have had positive results. In this way, the purpose of the Project that is submitted to environmental assessment is to give MMC operational continuity, extending its useful life by 32 years, for which the use and modification of existing facilities and the incorporation of new works are considered, maintaining the same production processes and the extraction rate of 150 ktpm of ore. Regarding the changes to what is currently approved by the RCA No. 345/2008, the Project considers the following: Modification and Adaptation of existing Works: Increase of capacity of the current sterile deposit (Dump No. 1) and improvement of the road standard called “Section 1”. Execution of new works and facilities: The Project considers the incorporation of a sterile dump, called “Sterile Dump N ° 2”. In addition, the authorization of two new portals, called “Portal Mine No. 2” and “Portal Mina No. 3”. Along with this, the construction of a new section of road is incorporated, inside the mining facility, which will be called “Section 2” and the extension of the existing Electric Transmission Line, both to the location of the Mine Portal No. 3 . To these works is added the qualification of a dust suppressor preparation pool (bischofita) for road maintenance, a transitory hazardous waste storage site (RESPEL) and works for the conduction of rainwater. Objective The general objective of the Project is give operational continuity to the exploitation of Copper Mantos Mine, extending its useful life in approximately 32 years.
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