Paving and Resurfacing of Urban Roads
Infrastructure project in Brazil, currently in the stage of
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Description: Paving and resurfacing of urban roads in the municipality of Miracema do Tocantins/TO. The target audience is the entire population of the municipality, according to IBGE/2022 - 18,566 people. The streets and avenues are in a very poor state of conservation due to the heavy rains that occurred between November and March, in addition to the streets and avenues that have no paving at all, causing difficulty in getting around for residents, impairing vehicle traffic on several streets and avenues in the municipality and directly affecting the health of residents due to dust. Provide better living conditions for the community in general, in addition to directly contributing to the dynamization of the municipality's economic activities. Invest in infrastructure and quality of life. Therefore, we work to ensure the city's progress. These families long for paved and resurfaced streets and avenues within the urban perimeter of the municipality and this is a commitment of the administration. ID: 23691.17-06
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