Social Infrastructure
Social Infrastructure News

Latin America's major economies face political and economic instability: US tariffs threaten Mexico's growth, Brazil's inflation dampens Lula's approval, Argentina and Ecuador struggle with crises, and Colombia, Peru and Bolivia face governance challenges. Don't miss the industry risk overview for each country. More

Through the Comprehensive Reconstruction Plan, progress is being made on public works to address the serious situation facing the city following the tragic storm. More
Social Infrastructure Projects
- New Regional Hospital of Loreto "Felipe Arriola Iglesias"
- New Simón Bolívar hospital
- General Hospital of Tuxtla Gutiérrez (HGZ No. 13 “September 14”)
- New High Complexity Hospital in Lambayeque
- Banorte Stadium (Remodeling of the Azteca Stadium)
- New IMSS Hospital in Zitácuaro
- Improvement of the Puerto Falcón Border Center
- Honduras oncological hospital
- Rehabilitation of the Ciudad Juárez Specialty Hospital
- St. Stanislaus General Hospital
Social Infrastructure Companies
- North Central Regional Health Authority
- Empresa Estratégica Boliviana de Construcción y Conservación de infraestructura Civil (EBC)
- Rubau México S. de R.L. de C.V.
- Euroconsult Group
- Odebrecht Engenharia e Construção Internacional S.A.
- Grupo Constructor Sepsa, S.A. de C.V.
- Governo do Estado do Ceará
- Ministerio de Salud de la República del Perú
- Gobierno del Estado de Puebla
- General Electric Co.
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