Tailings News

BNamericas visited Cobre Panamá's offices in Panama City to speak with Maru Gálvez, public relations manager of the company, to discuss the lessons learned from the massive protests that led to the shutdown of the copper operation and find out how the company hopes to restart mining. More

Meanwhile, Panama’s environment ministry is conducting an audit and preparing a tender to select a company responsible for evaluating the mine. More
Tailings Projects
- Aurizona Expansion
- Nueva Esperanza
- Volta Grande
- La Farola Mineral Exploitation and Processing Project (Former La Farola Operational Continuity)
- Guariba Tailings and Waste Material Storage Facility
- Block 8 (Brazil)
- Update of the Tailings Deposit and Attached Facilities (Catabela Mine - Sierra Gorda)
- Quebrada Honda Tailings Dam Expansion
- Shalipayco
- Removal of the Pérez Caldera Dam and adaptation of the Water Resource (Los Bronces Facility Modification Project)
Tailings Companies
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