Caribbean renewable energy watch
The Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago has launched a tender to design, supply, install and commission a solar photovoltaic generation system at the Piarco international airport.
A mandatory virtual pre-bid meeting is scheduled this month as well as a non-mandatory site visit, with offers due in January, according to the procurement notice.
The Dominican Republic’s national energy commission (CNE) has authorized Elecnor to conduct solar resource studies for Emerald Solar Energy’s 26MWp Canoa Fase II project.
Earlier this year, CNE granted Emerald a provisional concession for the phase two of the Canoa solar park in Barahona province, after starting operations of the 25MW first phase in January.
Barbados’ Ministry of Energy, Small Business and Entrepreneurship has released a document that outlines guidelines and procedures to build-out the wind power sector.
The report was prepared by DNV GL on behalf of IDB and estimates that 75-100MW of the non-conventional renewable energy could be incorporated.
The study, available here, highlights that over 90% of the country’s electricity production comes from fossil fuels, and that the government aims for clean power to account for 100% of the generation park by 2030.
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